News & Events

게시물 정보
TITLE September 4th Week
DATE 2019.09.22 HITS 1,030

*Evangelism Intensive Training Oct. 2nd (Wed) - 4th (Fri)
   How we do
 - Communication factors
 - How to teamwork
 - What should I say?
 - Who should say it?

*Jesus, Bible, Creation, Earth. How are they all connected? How are we going to live?
 Creation Science Seminar will be held on this upcoming Sunday 3pm and 6pm;
 at 3pm, Dr. Andrew Snelling is coming as a speaker talking about “Who is Jesus Christ? Key to Resolving the Age of the Earth”.
 Dr. Terry Mortenson is going to lecture about “Millions of Years: the Idea’s Unscientific Origin and Catastrophic Consequences” at 6pm. 
 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. John 1:3 - 

 We welcome all newcomers! 

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