If You Were Blind, You Would Not Be Guilty of Sin

Pastor Scott Brenner John 9:35~41
The Pharisees asked. "Are we blind too? (John 9:40)"
Their problem was that they were not aware of their blindness. They say they see God spiritually and even try to lead othes to God. In fact, they didn't recognize Him when He was right in front of them. So Jesus answered.
“If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. (John 9:41)"

Those who realize that they're blind, desperately want to see. But those who do not admit that they're blind, do not have eagerness to see.

Pharisees were like that.
They believed that they see and know God and were in position to lead others to God. It is as though 'the blind leads the blind'.

We have to first recognize that we are blind spiritually.
We must pray that God would open our eyes.
Jesus came down to give sight to the blinds.
If we don't admit that we are blind now, we will find it out on the last day.

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