News & Events

게시물 정보
TITLE May 2nd Week
DATE 2019.05.12 HITS 140,929

We have successfully finished the “Bazaar” through God’s grace. Thank you, everyone, for volunteering and participating! 

Here are some announcements for the next upcoming. 
We are continuing our “Singles” gathering; for the next gathering which is the fourth gathering, Pastor Donghwa Kim (Jeondosanim, 전도사님) is going to give a lecture about “Evangelism” on May 18th (Sat) at 3 pm.
There will be a lecture about “the False and Risks in the Progressive Ideology within Christianity” on May 15th (Wed) at 8 pm by Prof. Jeong-hoon Lee from Eternal Liberty Institute.On May 25th (Sat) 8 am, come to Dasan Tower, Sampyeong-dong for the men soccer game.
June 6th (Thu) is a picnic day for each group. Many activities and programs are ready for you. Please come and enjoy!


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